$50,000 in matching funds pledged in support of Surgical Services
When we get to talk to our healthcare colleagues about philanthropy, they tell us time and time again how good it feels knowing donors have their backs.
On the evening of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Golf Classic fundraiser, we received a special note from a very special person who cares deeply about the Comox Valley and making meaningful change and advancements in the community including significant support for healthcare.
Dedicated to ensuring teams at the Comox Valley Hospital have the most enhanced equipment to offer the best possible care for the people of our community, Helga – a friend and philanthropist – saw an opportunity to inspire community members to be a part of an important cause so that is just what she did.
“As you know I am committed to supporting our incredible clinicians. I am excited to be part of the support for the Surgical Services fundraising at the Comox Valley Hospital… I am pledging $50,000 in a matching funds donation… and another $50,000 once the community meets the challenge.”
Helga’s pledge was shared with guests and sparked excitement leading into the live auction at the golf event. Her thoughtful initiative to challenge and inspire our community to come together to make a positive impact by matching all donations up to $50,000 launched with a great start. $16,000 was raised at the auction and matched by Helga leaving a substantial amount to double donations in support of Surgical Services. Thank you to Helga and to generous golf participants who bid and bought auction items. Let’s keep this fantastic momentum going!
Today, your donation toward advanced surgical equipment has double the impact!
We invite you to read more about our Surgical Campaign here:
2024 Surgical Campaign – Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation (cvhealthcarefoundation.com)
Learn about Helga and how her loving legacy began here:
A Loving Legacy – Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation (cvhealthcarefoundation.com)
Please give us a call if you have any questions or need further information (250) 331-5957.