SENIORs’ health

Help us prioritize care for older adults.

A letter from
Susan Auchterlonie

Board President
Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation

I am very pleased to share details about the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation’s Seniors’ Health campaign. As the new Board President of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, but more importantly as someone who was born, raised, and returned to be near family and raise my own children in this beautiful community, I have witnessed much change and the positive evolution of healthcare in our community, specifically as it relates to the care of older adults.

Both of my grandfathers were long-term residents of Cumberland Lodge in the 1970s through the 1990s, my parents received quality medical and palliative care as they separately battled cancer 10+ years ago, precious family members are currently experiencing cognitive challenges, and I am now approaching the definition of an older adult – a fact that my children remind me of often.

The Alzheimer Society of Canada, in its 2024 study, reported that more than 650,000 people in Canada have dementia. An estimated 62% of those living with dementia in Canada are female. In the Comox Valley, the incidence of Alzheimer disease is 19 per 1,000 individuals. While slightly lower than the provincial average, it is important to note that the 75+ age group in our community is expected to double between 2019 and 2039, meaning that demand for services, care and treatment will also double.

Our collective challenge is to both reduce the progression of dementia by addressing lifestyle and behavioural factors AND increase access to support services.

Seniors’ healthcare matters a great deal to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation (CVHF). We support seniors in the hospital, in the community and in their homes through Community Health Services, and in the three not-for-profit long-term care facilities that we are honoured to be associated with (Cumberland Lodge, Glacier View Lodge and Providence Living at The Views).

We fund much needed equipment, furniture, patient comforts, resident programming such as music therapy, recreation and other activities, and support our nurses and caregivers in accessing specialized training and learning.

Research into and support for transformative care for seniors is also a priority. Partnering with Island Health, CVHF recently funded research grants focused on enhancing seniors’ health in our community. We also support the evidence-based, award winning Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) program for those living with mild to moderate dementia. This program is proven to improve cognitive functioning, mental health, quality of life and social well-being of participants, while providing respite and support for family caregivers.

Seniors’ health is personal for me. Cumberland Lodge holds a special place in my heart, as does the palliative team in community health and at the Comox Valley Hospital. My loved ones experienced compassion, understanding and tenderness during their final years, months and days. I invite you to join me in supporting seniors’ health in the Comox Valley to ensure dignity for our elders through enhanced care and to allow senior members of our community to live fully at each stage of their life.

Thank you in advance for your support.

Susan Auchterlonie
Board President
Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation

The Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation is putting care for seniors at the top of their priority list. Will you lend a hand?

Some of the priority enhancements for Seniors’ Health include:

  • Programs & Activities
    • Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Program
    • Music Programs for Long-Term Care
    • Therapeutic Garden

  • Equipment
    • Transportation
    • Adaptive Chairs
    • Interactive Technology
    • Restorative Therapy Equipment

  • Research
    • Distinguished Scholar Research
    • Senior Health & Care Focus

  • Patient Comfort
    • Comfort & Care Items
    • Palliative Care Fund
    • Stockings for Seniors

  • Training
    • CST Facilitator Training
    • Cancer Care Education
    • Palliative Care Clinician Education
    • Model of Care Training