Mindy, Brian and their two children are a Comox Valley family who understand how special it is to spend time together and to live in a community with good access to specialty healthcare services. With gratitude for the great care Mindy has received locally and with hope to inspire giving, the couple has given us permission to share some of their story.
In March 2020, I found out I had a brain tumour.
My symptoms had been quite subtle, but I knew my brain was not functioning in the way it normally did and I persisted in seeking an answer.
I had my first MRI at the Comox Valley Hospital (CVH) at the end of February. The next month, amidst the COVID-19 global shutdown, I was told I had a low-grade glioma brain tumour. I was completely shocked – a tumour had not even crossed my mind as to what could be going on.
As my husband and I processed my diagnosis, our family joined the rest of the world in the pandemic lockdown. We found joy in the fact that we had our family together at that uncertain time, and as we waited to find out the next steps for treatment and what our future would look like.
I underwent numerous tests and scans locally before Brian and I travelled to Victoria in November 2020 for my brain surgery. With COVID protocols in place, Brain had to drop me off in the hospital parking lot and wait for the call that my surgery was complete. It was undeniably a scary time for both of us. Thankfully, the surgery was successful and just two days later, I was able to walk out of the hospital!
When the pathology results came back, it was revealed that the cancerous tumour was in fact a more aggressive Grade 3 tumour. I then underwent radiation and chemotherapy for six weeks in Victoria.
Since then, I have been able to do all other cancer treatments locally, from chemotherapy once a month at the CVH Wellness Centre, obtaining my medication from the CVH Pharmacy, and blood work at the CVH Lab. I continue to have routine scans and will for the rest of my life. Because of the medical imaging equipment that we have access to locally, our family does not need to make the choice to separate or move and we are deeply grateful for that.
Without that initial MRI, we wouldn’t be where we are today. Having access to these services close by is truly life changing. I often wonder if changes I experience mean that the cancer has returned, but knowing that regular check-ups can be done, close to home, brings me peace of mind.
Thank you for reading our story.
- Mindy