Giving Tuesday match achieved and then some!

Last week was #GivingTuesday and we were very fortunate to be able to offer matching donations up to $5,000 thanks to the generosity of RBC Wealth Management.

We are pleased to announce that our community achieved the match and a whole lot more! Donors directed their gifts to a variety of local healthcare priorities including medical imaging, urology, cardiac care, cancer care, mental health, long-term care, and the area of greatest need at the hospital. What a showing of care and generosity!

Our sincere gratitude to the team at RBC Dominion Securities and to everyone who responded to the matching challenge with enthusiasm and heart.

Thanks also to Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa for donating a draw prize to offer to last week’s donors. A winner was randomly selected and has been notified that a hydropath gift certificate is on its way. It turns out the individual has supported local healthcare through the Foundation for over twenty years! How cool is that?!

While the matching period has ended, our goal to enhance acute care, long-term care, and community healthcare services is ongoing. Your generosity toward any of these areas this giving season is needed and greatly appreciated!

Photo (left to right): Avry Janes (CVHF), Dr. Peter Simice (Radiologist, CVH), Rhonda Stevens (CVHF), Alicia Dybdal (Medical Imaging, CVH), Lara Austin (RBC), Juvena Burns (Leader, Medical Imaging, CVH) and Blake Simpson (RBC).

Caribou Creative
Hello. We're Caribou Creative, a graphic design studio in the Comox Valley that wholeheartedly believes successful businesses stem from great design. Our focus is on identity, print, packaging and web design.

Fundraising goal for medical imaging equipment achieved


Toys for the Pediatrics Department