Joy Through Your Lens Photo Contest
We are excited to invite the community to participate in a photo contest we’re calling Joy Through Your Lens. Fun is the focus with great prizes from the Kingfisher Resort & Spa, Comox Bike Company, Ski Tak Hut, Design Therapy, McKinnon Photography, and ABC Printing & Signs. It is also an opportunity for some local fame and a theme that you can personalize and make your own. Our hope is to showcase the activities you enjoy doing throughout the year in the unique outdoor surroundings of the Comox Valley.
Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation is seeking photographs that reflect moments enjoyed in our community. What pursuits and outdoor places bring you joy? How do you embrace the unique Comox Valley landscape? What activity brings out the best in you? What makes you feel vibrant and alive? We want to see joy through your lens and learn the ways you like to experience the Valley whether reading under a tree in Filberg Park, a family ski day at Mt. Washington, a stroll along the Riverwalk Trail, tending to your garden, or a bike ride in Cumberland.
It’s easy to participate and the contest is geared at everyday photographers like you. All levels welcome! Upon submitting your photograph, you will be asked to identify the seasonal category you are entering. Prizes will be awarded for the top photograph of each season plus an overall winner will be selected. All participants will be entered to win a special draw prize.