Celebrating the Support of Our Community and Healthcare
The Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation is excited to acknowledge the generous support from some very special and loyal donors for their recent contributions towards the purchase of the Technegas Generator and Delivery System with Easy Breathe Accessory Equipment for the Comox Valley Hospital. Both the TB Vets Charitable Foundation and Mike and Marlene Horvath – longtime supporters of our Healthcare Foundation – generously funded this vital machine. Used in the Nuclear Medicine Department, this specialized equipment assesses airflow and lung function with 3-dimensional high-resolution imaging. Over the course of a year, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging professionals will use this diagnostic tool to aid in diagnosis and treatment to support care for hundreds of patients in our community.
One of greatest benefits of having the Technegas Generator is that it provides a higher sensitivity and specificity because of its 3D imaging capability which wasn’t possible before. This exposes the patient to lower radiation and reduces the breathing requirement when performing nuclear medicine lung exams. Even patients with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) can be examined because only a few breaths are required.
“The staff at the Comox Valley Hospital would like to sincerely thank the TB Vets Charitable Foundation for their grant and Mike and Marlene Horvath for their generous donation to purchase the Technegas Generator and Delivery System for our Hospital,” said Amanda Jacoby, Comox Valley Hospital Site Director. “The accuracy of this model is superior with a better overall diagnostic performance over our hospital’s previous system. Providing the safest and highest level of care to all our patients is a priority at the Comox Valley Hospital.”
TB Vets has been supporting respiratory wellness in BC for over 75 years and since 1996, have made significant donations towards Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation, which has touched many lives in the Comox Valley from first breath to end-of-life care.
For more than a decade, Mike and Marlene Horvath have been unwavering supporters of healthcare through our Foundation. In addition to their monthly giving, they have made an extra special contribution to enable the purchase of the Technegas Generator and Delivery System. They make donations not only to express gratitude but also to contribute to ensuring the highest standard of care for fellow members in our community.
“This is a piece of equipment that the medical imaging department identified as one of their top priorities, and we were elated when TB Vets Charitable Foundation and Mike and Marlene Horvath expressed willingness to support its purchase,” said Rhonda Stevens, Co-Executive Director of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation. These partnerships are vital to local healthcare and we are truly grateful for their generosity and continued support.”
To learn more about TB Vets Charitable Foundation, visit www.tbvets.org.
Pictured with the Technegas Generator and Delivery System from left to right: Juvena Burns, Comox Valley Hospital Medical Imaging Lead and Alison Smith, Nuclear Medicine Technologist.