Golf Classic

Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation Golf Classic
Friday, June 20, 2025
Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community

The 33rd Annual Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation Golf Classic presented by RE/MAX Ocean Pacific Realty will be held at Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community on Friday, June 20th. This event supports local healthcare and has raised over $900,000 since the first event in the early nineties.

Our tournament has a proud history of fun activities throughout the day and our upcoming event will be no exception! Scroll down to see photos from last year and feel the tremendous community spirit that wraps around this event.

All levels of golf welcome - it is a best ball format. Join us!

Interested in sponsorship? Click here.

Questions? Please call 250-331-5957.

Your $250 golf registration fee includes 18 holes for one golfer, power cart, lunch with live entertainment, a snack bag, special activities on the greens, and a buffet dinner and dessert.

You can register up to four golfers. If you do not have the names of everyone in your foursome upon registering, please temporarily use your name for each registrant. Once you have the names you can email us the full details. If you are registering individually and have others you hope to golf with, just let us know. Please note we can offer a charitable tax receipt after the event for a portion of your registration fee.

Event Details


Friday, June 20, 2025
11:30am – Sign-in begins; driving range and putting green open for practice and special activities
12:30pm – Lunch served
1:30pm – Golf begins, shotgun start
6:30pm – Dinner followed by live auction and prize presentations


Crown Isle Resort & Golf Community
399 Clubhouse Drive, Courtenay BC

Rules of Play

Best Ball Format

  1. Everyone hits off the tee, your team picks the best shot, everyone advances and plays from there; this approach continues until the green.

  2. There is no requirement to use a drive from each player. 

  3. Men play from the green tee boxes, women play from the red tee boxes.

  4. Maximum score on any hole is 7, please pick up and move to next hole upon reaching this score.

  5. Look for hole-in-one contests on Hole 4, 7, 12 and 16.

  6. There will be some other special activities to participate in if you wish: women’s long drive on Hole 1; men’s long drive on Hole 8; longest putt on Hole 6; KP for all players on Hole 16.

  7. Maintaining pace of play is important so that everyone can enjoy dinner at 6:30pm.

  8. Have fun!

2024 Golf Gallery

On the Greens

Enjoying the 19th hole

Caribou Creative
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