give shares & securities

Invest in local healthcare the smart way.

Shares and securities offer one of the most efficient ways to make donations towards healthcare services in the Comox Valley.

A transfer of shares to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation significantly reduces the tax paid on your capital gains.

This means that you can rest assured knowing your generosity has boosted local healthcare and optimized the tax benefits of giving.

“The planning strategy of donating appreciated securities has allowed my spouse and I the ability to achieve our annual philanthropic goals. The strategy enables us to give a little bit more in a tax-efficient manner, a true win-win. I highly recommend you discuss your charitable giving plans with your advisor.”

Robert Mulrooney, Past Board Member of the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation

Here’s how it works:

  • You can transfer securities directly to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.

  • We then promptly sell the securities after the transfer.

  • You do not incur the capital gains tax, and local healthcare benefits from your donation.

  • You receive a tax receipt for the full market value of the shares on the day the securities were transferred to the Comox Valley Healthcare Foundation.

NOTE: The chart above is for illustrative purposes only showing how you can reduce capital gains tax, have a greater impact, and receive a larger tax credit when you donate securities directly to the Foundation versus selling securities and then donating. We recommend you work with a professional advisor to ensure any gift of securities fits your individual financial plan. We are pleased to share our form to facilitate gifts of securities and are happy to answer your questions over the phone (250-331-5957) or in person.


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